
The May 2016 Attack was an event that occurred in the Democratic Union of Norish, carefully planned by the Hydreg Luxt'Fuvke. The attack claimed the life of over 50,000 people of Zircoium after 50 missiles were launched at the territory. The missiles were actually from a nearby Norish base which was also invaded by several Hydreg terrorists and shortly conquered (it was later re-conquered by the Norish) and, after its conquest, the Hydregs launched the missiles.


Apart for the fact that the Democratic Union of Norish is a big country, one possible reason would also be because of the nation's religion, which the Hydreg Luxt'Fuvke considers "blasphemy against Noicee". It may also be because the Democratic Union of Norish is allied with the Centinids, who are allied with the Hydreg Empire, who are allied with the liberals who the Hydreg Luxt'Fuvke hate.


Apart from the 50 thousand people killed, the missiles also destroyed several buildings at Zircoium (duh, that's what missiles do). The missiles costed 1.2 million each and, counting with the destroyed buildings, damaged equipment at the military base and weapons stolen from it, the attack left an economical scar of 9.5 billion.


Several protests occurred after the attack, going against religious intolerance. Those protests raised awareness throughout the Trolliverse but, ironically, have inspired several hate groups against Noicism, claiming it is a "religion of war". Most of these groups had some kind of connection to the Pureegist Church though.


NourGodly1592 has prepared a backup plan in case of this kind of attack occurring again, able to recover most of the buildings from Zircoium and even able to transfer over 1.4 million people in Zircoium to the capital (The population was 2 million people here in Zircoium). From that, he didn't got any conflict from the allies.


Democratic Union of Norish is now preparing for a retaliation on Hydreg Luxt'Fuvke. Several army factions have marched to some of the important areas in which Hydreg Luxt'Fuvke may be attacking on, some dark energy weaponry are being researched and some Norish military ships are marching over Hydreg Empire.
