Gravity Beetleegee

Don't mess with him!

Gravity Beetleegee is a very powerful Weegeerick created by Weegima to act as a substitute of Magna Weegeepede. It also assumed the command of the Command and Management Unit. It is almost as powerful as Magna Weegeepede and is currently his rival and deadliest enemy.


Not like the original Gravity Beetle from MMX, but more like an imperfect Meta Knight a round beetle-like robot with red armor. It has a single horn and many spikes on its back.


Gravity Beetleegee was created without the usage of the Weegeerick Virus but appears to be very loyal to Weegima. All the loyalty comes from the big money he gains, being very greedy. His greediness does not reflect on his intelligence, since he is highly intelligent and uses it to manipulate and fool people. He is a very good liar and has decieved many to his own interest.


After Magna Weegeepede left the Weegeericks, the army was in need of a good stealth land unit and Overweegee Ostrich was horrible at stealth missions. Gravity Beetleegee was created without the usage of the Weegeerick Virus and operated as the main Intel Unit, until he later demonstred good leading skills. He was assigned to the Command and Management Unit later and downgraded from the main Intel Unit to secundary. He appears to have a strong hatred towards the Gee-kind, even without being infected with the Weegeerick Virus.

Some claim he is a double agent and works both for the Psi Insurrection Force and for the Weegeericks, but such claims were never proven to be true and are probably just rumors.


Just as agile as Magna and very skilled with slicing weapons. He has an interest in japanese ancient weaponry, but is not a filthy weeaboo. He is also interested in ancient european swords and many other cutting instruments. He doesn't like blunt weapons since he can't handle them well. It is made out of cobalitium and steel, which gives him a balance between agility and defense.

He is also able to shoot throwing daggers which are sometimes on fire, for some reason. The daggers are mostly made out of steel and, if throwed correctly, can potentially kill someone. His spikes are not for show and can impale those who step on them. His horn is made out of steel and can be using for goring. He can also breath fire.

His main power, however, is to mess with the nearby gravity field, bending it in the way he wants. He can also shoot some gravity-themed projectiles, which are actually electrical.


  • He is edgy
  • Despite his name, he is not based on Weegee, therefore, not a Fakegee