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gPhone front and back

The GPhone is a weegee version of the IPhone. Later Steve Weegee made more GPhones and started the Weegapple company. Later the GPad was made, then the GPhone 4, the GPhone 4W, and continuing to the GPhone 5 with Seeree, the talking application that helps you with stuffs. The first game invented on the gPhone was the top hit Angry Gees, invented by

Angrygee. It has everything an iPhone has except with exclusive Weegee apps such as the Weegee stare app, which gives the Weegee virus to people who look at the screen. There is also the brand new Weegee App Store, which gives access to all Weegee apps. So contribute to the gPhone by helping Steve Weegee. It is also an upgrade of the Geephone.
