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Thing #1, one of the many dangerous objects they have in containment

The Weegee Facility, or the W.F. , is an organization in the middle of nowhere that works to collect and contain objects with anomalistic properties. Thousands of Weegee Clones die every day trying to contain these dangerous objects.

Things they have in containment[]

Thing #1- Thing #1 is a bagel. When you eat it, you explode.

Thing #2- Thing #2 is a mirror. When you look at it, you explode.

Thing #3- Thing #3 is a chair. When you sit in it, you explode.

Thing #4- Thing #4 is a rock. When you touch it, you turn purple. And then explode.

Thing #5- Thing #5 is a door. When you open it, you explode. It is theorized a very powerful Fakegee lives behind it, causing the effect.

Thing #6- Thing #6 is the severed eye of Grandpa Weegee. When you look at it you thin out of existence, as Grandpa Weegee had an unhealthily low weight.

Thing #7- Thing #7 is unknown. The only thing that is known is that it is contained. It might be making itself unknown.

Thing #8- Thing #8 is a wrench. It is known to be anomalous but it is unknown what it does. It is similar to Thing #7.

Thing #9- Thing #9 is a restaurant. It always serves your favorite burger.
