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Toon Form

Not to be confused with Mr.Krabgee.

Crabeegee is a fakegee with a crab claw for an arm. He is part of the League of Weegees. and the Krusty Krab army.


Crabeegee was created when a weegee clone lost an arm in a tragic microwave accident. He went to an amateur surgeon to get a artificial arm. For some reason, the surgeon gave him a crab claw instead of an arm. Crabeegee punched the guy in the face and left.


Crab punch- punches someone with his crab arm. This has a 57% chance of making the person explode. This does not effect weegee, malleo or weegee gods.

Sneak attack- burries himself in the ground and jumps out to attack the nearest thing.

Crab cut- can cut weaker weegees in half.

Crab lazor- can fire a powerful lazor out of his claw.
