

Caramuigee was when a Weegee clone got an overdose of SuperDNA thanks to Dr. Wafalleo. Wafalleo wanted to make a Fakegee that would destroy his rival Dr. Nefalleo. However, he accidentally farted, which disgusted one of his lab rats so much, it started running in random directions. It knocked over a lamp in the process, and the lamp caused a vat of SuperDNA, the same amount that made Caramellio, to spill into the FMM Dr. Wafalleo was using to make the Fakegee. The overdose of SuperDNA caused the Weegee Clone inside the machine to turn not into Suteegee, but Caramuigee instead! And thus Caramuigee was born! He killed Wafalleo, but Wagruigee revived him with a 1-up mushroom. He is now brothers with Suteegee, Sutalleo, and Caramellio. 
