Apparition Centeegee

Apparition Centeegee in the imaginary bestiary.

Apparition Centeegee is a powerful and unusual transformation of Centeegee.


He is pale-white, including his skin and most of his plumber clothes. He has hollow light-blue glowing eyes and a bluish hairs. His hat is also light-blue with a dark "L" on the middle. He carries the Ghost Dragon Spear, a Railgun and big spikes on his back.


Centeegee has to do an unusual method to become Apparition Centeegee. He has to die while on extreme rage, becoming Apparition Centeegee. He revives them after ending the battle he is him. If he didn't die on a battle, he instantly revives.


Apparition Centeegee has some unusual powers, most of them are defensive. They are:

Soul Stare[]

He stares into the deepness of the foe's soul and eventually kills it. Of course, it doesn't work on every foe, as many Gees don't have souls, while other do. And there is still Gees with strong souls that completly ignore it.


Do i need to explain? He gets invisible, even his spear and gun do. It only lasts for one minute, but he is able to score some really good blows on the foe with his...

Sound Speed[]

It explains the spikes on his back. He can run at the speed of sound, but he rarely does it.

Smoke Morph[]

He can morph into a cloud of smoke. It isn't toxic or anything, but nothing can hurt him while he is in this form. He is very slow and can't attack, plus, it only longs for one minute.

Ghostly Bullet[]

His ghostly Railgun shoots a ghostly bullet which hits the foe hard. It's very quick, as it has ghostly proprieties and the eletric gun helps too!

Poe Ball[]

Shoots a very slow semi-transparent white ball, which explodes upon contact into a draining energy sphere, which pulls his foes to it.

Phantom Massacre[]

He attacks the foe with all his attacks while on sound speed, the attacks are also 2x more powerful. This combo only lasts long for 10 seconds, still devasting.

Useless stuff to know about him[]

1- His spear doesn't have any special ability other than looking cool.

2- He doesn't feel heat or cold.

3- He doesn't feel anything.

4- His spikes cannot be hit, result of the glitchy magic.

5- He is the only Centeegee transformation that doesn't change the tail color.
